Zombie Army Trilogy (2015)
What a beautiful mess of a game this is. It makes me go "Who approved this? Is this a joke? This is the most egregious asset flip I've played in years!" and yet it's one of my favorite guilty pleasures I've ever played.
For people who don't know what's going on: the year is 1945 and Germany is losing World War 2, so a desperate Hitler devises a devious plan to resurrect all fallen soldiers as zombies. Pretty standard stuff for the setting. Be aware that there's barely any cutscenes or notes scattered around like in the mainline Sniper Elite games, or at least it's that way in the two of the three episodes I've played, which have been released earlier as Nazi Zombie Army 1 & 2.
The gameplay is taken verbatim from Sniper Elite 2, featuring all the janky movement and most of the sniping mechanics, except for the wind.